*Our Story*
This is the ramblings of a Marine Wife, Mommy, and Gym rat. Home is where the Marine Corps sends us. NC -> TX -> CA. Welcome to my sometimes stressful, mostly crazy, but always beautiful life.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
19 weeks!
So, 19 weeks yesterday! I can't believe it. Monday night I felt Connor with my hand, and last night I felt him a few more times with my hand. When Adam would run over to feel him he would stop though. hahaha. Adam wants to feel Connor so bad before he leaves in a few days for San Diego for 2 months. I can't wait until it's really regular so Adam can feel him and I can feel him more. It's really reassuring when you can actually feel the kicks. We got home last night after being gone 5 days. The dogs were THRILLED. haha We had a great time with friends and family! We visited Lauren and Shawn on the 23rd and left Christmas Eve morning. We went shopping at the outlets and exchanged gifts for Delaney and Connor. Connor got all sorts of great clothes. He's spoiled already! We went and saw the Celebration of Lights too, and that was fun. It's always a good time with them. On Christmas Eve, Mom gave Connor a cute little bathrobe, a blanket and other little goodies. Kristen got him the vintage pram that we are putting in his nursery and the picture of Adam's Combat boots and baby boots. Love :) Christmas was so much fun at my parent's and at my grandparent's. Then on the 27th we registered at Babies R' Us! Yay! I'm so glad that is done, and we registered for some great stuff. Anyway, can't wait until next week when I'm at the halfway point!
**How far along? 19 weeks
**Total weight gain/loss: +10 lbs.On target so far.. but I'm sure Christmas didn't help... yikes.
**How Big is Baby?: A Mango! 6 inches and 8.5 oz.
**Maternity clothes? Yup
**Stretch marks? not yet.
**Sleep: Still sleeping good.
**Best moment this week: Feeling Connor move with my hand.
**Movement: Yep Yep Yep!
**Food cravings: Really wanting some sweet iced tea, but trying to stop myself!
**Gender: Sweet baby boy :)
**Labor Signs: No sir!
**Belly Button in or out? In :)
Monday, December 20, 2010
18 weeks :)
So, here we are at 18 weeks.. almost halfway there. 2 more weeks, and I'll officially be to the halfway point! I cannot believe it. This pregnancy has already flown by, and I know it's only about to go by faster. Christmas is Saturday, then Adam leaves Jan. 3 for 6 weeks, and I will be super busy getting the house ready and packing. Then we will find out where we are moving and we'll be outta here. We'll be moving when I am 28 weeks, and I am going to have to find a new doctor. I'm not too concerned, just anxious for the most part. The nausea and exhaustion from first trimester is completely gone, and this week has been great! I've been shopping a few times and looove it! Well, Connor is getting another boy 2nd cousin :) My cousin is having a boy, Carter Ray Pinotti. AND, my other cousin is having a boy William McDaniel :) You know, I grew up with mainly girl cousins.. I guess Connor's generation may be a little different! I am so excited for everyone! It's such an amazing feeling. Not that my pregnancy didn't feel "real" before, but now it feels even more real calling my bump Connor and not "Baby Hill" :) Anyway.... see you at 19 weeks! I'll be back to post a picture when I'm not in my pjs!
**How far along? 18 weeks
**Total weight gain/loss: +8 lbs.On target so far..
**How Big is Baby?: 5.6 inches, 6.7 oz
**Maternity clothes? Yup
**Stretch marks? not yet.
**Sleep: I sleep plenty of hours at night, but I'm not exhausted all the time :)
**Best moment this week: Finding out that my sweet baby is a boy - Connor Daniel Hill. I am floating on Cloud 9, and I don't plan on coming down anytime soon!!
**Movement: Yah, he goes to town in there. At the 4D ultrasound, he did a flip.
**Food cravings: still orange soda.. but nothing crazy.
**Gender: BOY!
**Labor Signs: No sir!
**Belly Button in or out? In, but it has strangely spread. It's like a sink hole!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
It's a....
Connor Daniel Hill
Well, the 3D/4D ultrasound went amazingly! I can't even describe the feeling you get when you see your baby on the screen like that. The ultrasound tech is a certified nursing midwife, and he was great. He really knew what he was doing, and I am so pleased with our experience at Jacksonville 4D fetal photo. He said, "okay we're looking for a turtle if it's a boy and 3 lines if it's a girl." Well, Connor must have heard him b/c the first thing we saw was his little booty and his boy parts! I immediately looked at Adam and he had a grin on his face stretching ear to ear. We were there for about 45 minutes, and we got great pictures of our sweet baby boy. Then afterwards we got lunch and bought Connor a few things :) I am on cloud 9. He is adorable!
Monday, December 13, 2010
OKay so this picture was obviously taken at 16 weeks 3 days.. I'll update this post with more pictures on Friday when we find out what we're having!!!! OMG we are so excited =)=) I just don't feel like taking a picture right now.. i'm at work, and I haven't really changed much. Or maybe I have.. I duno. I put a pound on last week.. even being sick! I had lost one.. then gained it back! woop! So I'm sitting at +6 lbs. at 17 weeks :) I'm okay with that. Pretty happy about it actually. I thought I would gain faster, but I really haven't been eating THAT much. I thought I would crave sweets and such, but I don't really crave anything but orange soda. lol. Okay, last week was huge.. I felt baby move several times! He/She jolts every now and again and it's so neat. It's not the butterflies or popcorn really that people said it would feel like. I do get butterflies when there's a loud noise or something scares me. Kinda cool that baby is affected the same way I am. But, I'd been feeling the jolts for a few days before I really knew what they were. They are more like little sensations in my belly. Kinda like somethings crawling around. It's weird, and they aren't constant yet, but they will be soon! Gosh, I still can't believe I'm 17 weeks. It feels like yesterday I was looking at the big fat 'PREGNANT' on the HPT. Well, I'll be sure to post pics FRIDAY!! yayy!! Oh and the quad screen and cystic fibrosis tests came back negative! HALLELUJAH!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
16 week survey
**How far along? 16 weeks
**Total weight gain/loss: Well I had gained 6, but since I've been sick, I've managed to lose almost 2. So +4 right now.
**How Big is Baby?: 3.5 oz, about 5 inches
**Maternity clothes? Pants are a must.
**Stretch marks? not yet.
**Sleep: I was feeling much more energetic, then I got sick, so I've been sleeping a lot to try to get rid of this horrible cold.
**Best moment this week: Feeling the baby move & knowing that is what it was!! :)
**Movement: I finally felt the baby move. It's like little twitches, and a few butterflies.
**Food cravings: Chicken noodle soup this week :( and sonic. lol
**Gender: omg... 8 days!!
**Labor Signs: No sir!
**Belly Button in or out? In.
**Total weight gain/loss: Well I had gained 6, but since I've been sick, I've managed to lose almost 2. So +4 right now.
**How Big is Baby?: 3.5 oz, about 5 inches
**Maternity clothes? Pants are a must.
**Stretch marks? not yet.
**Sleep: I was feeling much more energetic, then I got sick, so I've been sleeping a lot to try to get rid of this horrible cold.
**Best moment this week: Feeling the baby move & knowing that is what it was!! :)
**Movement: I finally felt the baby move. It's like little twitches, and a few butterflies.
**Food cravings: Chicken noodle soup this week :( and sonic. lol
**Gender: omg... 8 days!!
**Labor Signs: No sir!
**Belly Button in or out? In.
Monday, December 6, 2010
16 Weeks
Here I am at 15 weeks 4 days and LC at 32 weeks 5 days! This was at her baby shower this past weekend :) Today I went to the doctors, and finally HEARD Baby Hill's heartbeat. It was 140! So, smack dab in the middle. Hopefully this stirs up everyone's opinions. It's funny to see what people have to say about whether they think it's a boy or a girl. Can't wait to know and put all the guesses to a rest. At first I found it annoying, now I find it fun. I think the hormones got to me a little for a while there ;) But everything looked good. The doctor said baby's heartrate is perfect, and my uterus is measuring perfect too! She said at 20 weeks it will be past my bellybutton! I had the genetic testing and cystic fibrosis tests today. Not bad. Just took some blood, and that doesn't bother me. Now, 11 more days until we know whether we're having a boy or a girl!! I can't wait to find out!!! =)
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Baby heartbeat and movement!
... Noo not that I can feel. It is a little early for it, and I don't know what I'm looking for., but a couple of weeks ago I bought a cheap doppler and I haven't heard ANYTHING on it yet. Basically, if it lights up blue and stays blue, it's your baby moving. Well, I've gotten blue flickers, but we put it on Adam and he got blue flickers too. lol. Anyways, I've been a little uneasy waiting for my 15-16 week appt. Tonight I just put on the doppler to play around and said a little prayer. Well, i'll be... I don't know what I was hearing, but I placed it on the center of my belly a few inches below my belly button and it made this god awful ring noise but the blue light was going crazy and stayed lit! I moved it to make sure it wasn't just messed up, and it didn't do it. Then, of course, I couldn't find the right spot after that. BUT, I'm so thrilled! It was so amazing. It was like little Baby Hill was saying, "hey mom! I'm finnne." I'm already a nagging mother and the kid isn't even here yet :) Just needed to post this! I'll post after the appointment Monday!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
15 weeks =)
I'm 15 weeks today! Yay! The picture I posted is our Holiday photo for this year. I can't believe that next year we will be holding our little baby in our picture! 17 days until we know whether it's Connor Daniel Hill or Jordyn Emilee Hill. Yeah, the baby boy name changed. Adam decided he didn't really like Carter, but loves Connor. I really do love Connor, and Daniel is from my maiden name McDaniel. The girl name we have loved from the beginning. I am so anxious to find out! I am SO TIRED of hearing people tell me what I'm going to have. I want to be like I am having a GIRL! or I am having a BOY! Now, shut it! It's really not that serious, but it is annoying when everything already annoys you. haha. These headaches are killing me. They are all over, and yesterday my ear started aching b/c of it. It's tough, and I feel guilty every time I pop a tylenol. I know I shouldn't, but I'm not going to be a hero. It's unbearable. The exhaustion isn't as bad as it was the past few days. Man, traveling realllly takes it out of me. We just kept going and going all weekend long, and it finally caught up to me. This weekend is Lauren's baby shower in VA! I'm so excited! Adam can't go, but it'll be a nice little 'me' trip, and I get to see my bffs! Yay! Then, we are gonna shop I think! I need to get this christmas shopping over with. I hate christmas shopping, and I always wait until the last minute.. :-/ Anyway... back to baby stuff. I am hoping to feel the baby kick soon. I feel twinges every now and then, but I don't know what to expect since it's my first. I think it's a little early to feel, but I'm hoping I am sure of what I am feeling soon! =) I go to the doctor next Monday for the Down Syndrome tests and other tests, and for a check up! Yay! See ya!
**Total weight gain/loss: + 5 lbs.
**How Big is Baby?: 1.75 oz.
**Maternity clothes? I bought my first 2 pair of maternity jeans during my 14th week! I figured it would be more comfortable. I'm already showing, mind you i'm 5'2".
**Stretch marks? not yet.
**Sleep: still exhausted.
**Best moment this week: Being able to just relax :) Catch up from the 1st trimester work schedule!
**Movement: I've felt a few things, but I don't know what i'm lookin for, so I'm not sure yet!
**Food cravings: Salty foods!
**Gender: I"ll let you know in 17 days!!
**Labor Signs: No
**Belly Button in or out? In.
**What I am looking forward to: Next mondays doctors appointment, so I get to hear baby's heartbeat on the doppler. I've seen it, just haven't heard it yet!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Thankful :)
Well, I'm 14 weeks tomorrow! Don't know if I'll get a chance to post with Thanksgiving coming up, and tomorrow I have to work and will be busy. Anyways, just wanted to post! I have SO much to be thankful for. This is mine and Adam's first Thanksgiving married, and we are expecting! It's amazing what all we have been through in a year! I welcomed him home almost a year ago, we got married, and now we are having a baby. I thank God every night for my countless blessings, and for the opportunity to be a wife and mommy. They say that the first year of marriage is always the hardest. Well, we've had our share of downs, but all I can say is I love him more every day, and we have way more ups than downs in our marriage. I've had to overcome the annoyance of picking up after him and the never ending cleaning, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I think being a Marine Wife really does make me thankful for the time we have together. I try not to complain because I would rather be picking up after him than not having him home at all. All I can do is Thank God and his fellow Marines for keeping him safe, and for the troops overseas fighting four our freedom, so that I can have my Marine home this holiday season. God bless you all <3
Today I bought a fetal heart monitor, however, I bought it way too early. I can hardly hear anything. I've seen the baby's strong heartbeat twice! I just haven't heard it, and I wanna hear! I have been playing with it at work, but I'm going to really try when I get home. It was a cheap one though, so I don't know how well it will work. Oh well, it is worth the fun :) I really don't even know what to listen for!! haha, oh well.. I thought I heard it, but I'm not sure. I'll just assume it's the heartbeat until it gets really clear. I get to hear the heartbeat at the doctors Dec. 6th, and then they'll take blood for the down syndrome test. Everything has been good so far! No bleeding, so I feel good! I don't get nauseous anymore, and I don't have aversions! I think I'm finally slipping into the 2nd trimester goodness! haha Well, hopefully i'll be able to update with 14 week pictures soon!
Friday, November 19, 2010
1st Pregnancy Survey!
Your name? LAUREN HILL
Fathers name? ADAM HILL
Are you still with him? UH YEAH, WE'RE MARRIED
Were you trying to get pregnant? YEP!
When did you find out? SEPTEMBER 13, 2010! 13DPO
How far along were you? ONLY 3 WEEKS 5 DAYS!
Did you have any morning sickness? I DID, YES. I HAD REALLY BAD NAUSEA FROM 6 1/2 WEEKS UNTIL ABOUT 11 WEEKS.
What are your fears? THE HEALTH OF THE BABY!
What are you most happy about? JUST THE FACT THAT I AM GOING TO HAVE A BABY! I CAN'T WAIT!
Did you want a boy or girl? I HAVE NO PREFERANCE!
What did the father want boy or girl? HE SAYS BOY.
Do you know what your haveing? WE FIND OUT DEC. 17TH
Do you have a name picked out? GIRL- JORDYN EMILEE, AND BOY - CARTER JAMES
How much weight have you gained? 3 LBS.
Have you felt the baby move? NOT YET!
Are you keeping the baby? UHM.. YES
Do you plan on a natural or medicated birth? EPIDURAL PLEASE!
Are you scared about labor? NO
What do you think will be the worst part of labor? UHH, I'M SURE IT HURTS, BUT I'M NOT WORRIED.
Who will be in the delivery room? ADAM, MY MOM, LAUREN, AND WHOEVER WANTS TO BE REALLY.
Are you having the birth videotaped? HECK NO.
Do you think you will cry when you see the baby for the first time? YES.
What do you think the fathers reaction to the baby will be? PROBABLY THE SAME!
How do you think family and friends will feel? EXCITED :)
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Hello Second Trimester :)
Okay, so this is me at 13 weeks 2 days to be exact, but I haven't changed much in 2 days.. haha. Still haven't gained any more weight. Only gained about 3 lbs. total, and that's normal for the first trimester. I CAN'T BELIEVE I MADE IT TO SECOND TRIMESTER! :) Yayyy! Good things have been happening! I have the 4D fetal photo/Gender determination session scheduled. The lady called yesterday and said I have first pick on the date and time from Dec. 17-21! I chose Dec. 17th at 1:00 p.m.! I have to drink 3 LITERS of water before the scan! What in the world? Talk about pee. I'm gonna need a toilet following me that day.. haha. I can't believe in less than a month I'll know if I'm having a little boy or a little girl! Most people have been saying boy, but a few have said girl. It's really a big guessing game. I, however, feel like it's a boy, but that really doesn't mean anything considering it's my first! I don't care at all.. I want ribbons and bows and pink eventually, but since it's our first, we don't have a preference. Of course Adam wants a boy, but I can totally see him squeezing a little girl :) Sooo needless to say, whatever we have, whether it's blue or pink, we are going to be over the moon!!! I just want to start shopping! I know if it's a girl I won't stop shopping, and I think that is what scares Adam. I bought Delaney (my goddaughter in the making) the cutest bloomers and hat and it came in the mail monday. That really made me yearn for a little baby girl. There are pros (no cons) to either!

Okay, how cute are these?! Omg.. I can't wait for Delaney to arrive! 4 months before Baby Hill. More good news not pertaining to baby stuff. So, we are going home for thanksgiving, and Adam and I were freaking out because we couldn't find a kennel that wasn't going to break our wallet! Well, a very good friend of mine, who I just reunited with :), told me about the kennel she takes her dogs to! oh Oh, for only $15/night for BOTH! Hallelujah! Now, that we are willing to pay! And speaking of good friend, Kelly is pregnant too and is 7 weeks 5 days! I am so glad we got together and are hanging out again. I am soooo excited for her and Eric, her husband! They are going to be wonderful parents, and like Adam, Eric is recruiting! So we're in the same situation. Also, the Marine Corps Ball is Saturday!! I'm pretty excited about it. I'll be the DD, but that doesn't bother me one bit these days. I'm on cloud 9 :) Andddd, they hired someone at work, so I can have a break! Even though second trimester brings energy back, it's going to be nice to relax and concentrate on cleaning the house more and not working so much! I'd like to actually cook my husband and myself decent dinners and work out more! I hardly get to do anything active these days. I need to get movin on it! Anyways! See you at 14 weeks maybe with a bigger bump!


Sunday, November 14, 2010
I ordered that crib set tonight, but not quite as dark. We ordered coffee, a dark brown, and this one is black. Anyway, I figure it is a little early, but I am so excited! We got the whole set for a really great price. My mom was able to get 10% off too, and is paying half for our christmas present! Yay!! Anways, I'll update Tuesday when I'm 13 weeks and in the 2nd trimester!!!
And me at 12 w 4 d! It's a bump!
And me at 12 w 4 d! It's a bump!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
12 Weeks
Friday, November 5, 2010
11 Weeks!
Wooo 11 weeks! 2 more weeks until 2nd trimester. It's so crazy! I'm growing every week. I know I may not seem like I'm really showing to most people, but I am to me!! I wanna compare 6 weeks to now. I'll post that at the end of this post. It's comical. I remember at 6 weeks thinking i was having a small bump.. sike! And I'm sure as the weeks go by, I'll keep looking back and laughing. The nausea is subsiding, YAY! But every morning I wake up and my boobs feel like they got run over by a truck. haha. Weird. And when my bladder is full, my tubby feels like a basketball.. Let's rephrase that. My uterus below the belt feels like a basketball. It hasn't quite moved up far enough yet. But besides that, I'm starting to get cravings. And in particular ORANGE SODA AND TACO BELL. Had it yesterday,and it sounds good today too. hahaha. Of course I keep the orange soda to a minimum and it has to be caffeine free. :) haha acting like i'm being healthy. Okay, I REALLY TRY and eat healthy. I eat fruits, veggies, and always take my prenatals (aka, 2 flinstone completes per day)haha. But nothing in my body screams "oh yeah, look at that head of brocoli" That's disgusting. I think as I get further along I'll want healthy foods. But it's not really sounding too appetizing right now. I take what I can stomach for now, which surprisingly and strangely is taco bell.. chalupas to be exact. Okay for the 5 week comparison. (MIND YOU, I'VE ONLY GAINED 2 POUNDS!) haha you just wouldn't know it!
6 weeks 11 weeks
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Baby Hill's first picture!
Baby measured at 11 weeks 0 days and a healthy heartbeat in the 130s! We didn't get to hear the heartbeat on the doppler, but we sure did see it! And the baby is measuring pretty exact with the dates :) So, all is well! And we are suppppper excited! It feels so real now. My tummy is getting really hard too. Yay! Okay, I will update more later. See ya :)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
10 Weeks!
Happy 10 weeks to Baby and Me =) These weeks are flying on by! My first doctors appointment/ultrasound is Tuesday! I am so excited!!! Nervous, but excited. I hope everything is alright. Okay so for Week 9 - 10, HEADACHES. I said every week was a new symptom, and it never fails. I've had a headache for about 5 days now, and it's awful. Adam bought me tylenol the other day, and I'm trying not to take a tylenol everyday, but jussst about. I can't help it. It's awful. Last night I went to bed with a cold wet rag on my head and neck. I'm getting more excited as the days go by, and as my tummy is starting to be less bloat and more baby. Yay! 6 more weeks until we find out if it is baby "Jordyn Emilee" or baby "Carter James" ;) Ah! I will update Tuesday after the ultrasound. Pray for me!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
9 Weeks (minus 1 day!)
I love this song =)
Always Cry
Ohhh 4 more weeks until I am in the 2nd trimester. I have definately been wishing away the first trimester. The food aversions are still stronger than the cravings. I haven't been craving really bad foods. Mainly fruits and vegetables :) and chocolate ice cream. Well, sunday I made Adam go get me jelly beans? That's a little weird... I haven't been too emotional, or else I'm not aware of it. Adam seems to think differently. I guess this whole experience has been an emotional roller coaster for me. I found out and was SO excited, then I was just worried, then as the weeks seem to go by, I feel more comfortable with everything. 13 days until my ultrasound! I really hope Adam can come. He is going to Sergeants' course, and he isn't sure if he can get out of it to go to the doctors with me. I swear if he can't go, I'm going to cry.. well I did cry yesterday when he told me. I've been praying and turning my concerns to God, and I feel so alleviated. I am just thankful for my faith in getting me through the pregnancy as fearless as can be.
Always Cry
Ohhh 4 more weeks until I am in the 2nd trimester. I have definately been wishing away the first trimester. The food aversions are still stronger than the cravings. I haven't been craving really bad foods. Mainly fruits and vegetables :) and chocolate ice cream. Well, sunday I made Adam go get me jelly beans? That's a little weird... I haven't been too emotional, or else I'm not aware of it. Adam seems to think differently. I guess this whole experience has been an emotional roller coaster for me. I found out and was SO excited, then I was just worried, then as the weeks seem to go by, I feel more comfortable with everything. 13 days until my ultrasound! I really hope Adam can come. He is going to Sergeants' course, and he isn't sure if he can get out of it to go to the doctors with me. I swear if he can't go, I'm going to cry.. well I did cry yesterday when he told me. I've been praying and turning my concerns to God, and I feel so alleviated. I am just thankful for my faith in getting me through the pregnancy as fearless as can be.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
So, today I'm 8 weeks. No photos to really post. I suppose I could post my belly, but it just looks like a gut right now. Ha! Tuesday I went to the Naval Hospital for "Mommy Orientation" and got blood drawn for the standard tests. And I haven't heard back from the doctor, so assuming that is a good sign :) My first scheduled Ultrasound is Nov. 2, and I can finally see my baby and heartbeat! I just have this overwhelming fear because I don't know what to expect, but I can only think positive and push forward. Yesterday I was freaking out because my symptoms were gone, but this morning the nausea came back and I am soooo tired. I'm even more tired than before. Hello Week 8 I suppose. And I've had a few twinges, but no cramps to be honest. I'm not sure if that is really good or bad, but I know that everyone has different symptoms and feelings. I think with it being my first pregnancy, I just don't know what to really expect. But my tummy is tender and I feel pretty good.. Minus the exhaustion and on/off nausea. I guess I"m just one of the lucky ones! Adam comes home tonight after being gone for 2 weeks. Can't wait to see if he notices my belly :) Well, see you week 9!
Friday, October 8, 2010
7 weeks!
Here I am at 7 weeks. I figure it's too early to be showing, but I swear I had a flat stomach before. It's pretty much all bloat, but oh well. I touch it in public so people don't assume it's a gut. HAHA. yahhh, i know. So, as soon as 6 weeks hit, so did the nausea. Today, I slept pretty much ALL day. I managed to get up and go for my daily walk with the pups, but I seriously am so tired. I don't even know why I am awake right now, being that it is 11:30 p.m. But, as soon as the nausea hit, I learned what to do. I keep crackers by the bed and wake up and drink ginger ale. That is the only thing that works, and I have to eat every few hours. The nausea is starting to get better now, so i'm hoping it stays away! I can't believe i'm already 7 weeks. I know it's still early, but hopefully everything is okay. I go for my first doctors appointment on Tuesday, Oct. 12. It's more of an orientation on base, so i'll update on Tuesday. I switched doctors to finally get an appt, and it worked! Yay! Anyway, not much to update. :) Goodnight!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Just Excited :)


Well, it's pretty confirmed. Those pictures were taken almost 3 weeks ago, and I've been to my primary care doctor and confirmed there. I am still pretty nervous, as to it being early in the pregnancy, but everything has been going great. I'll be 6 weeks tomorrow, and I had my first wave of nausea yesterday. This morning I had to get up and grab some crackers, and I actually had a couple sips of coke with it.. I know I know, but I haven't had ANY caffeine in 3 weeks. I completely cut it off when I found out, so I've been doing really good :) Adam scared the crap out of me yesterday too because I ate a Ham Sandwich.. Heaven forbid... There's so much you "can't" eat or "can't" do when you're pregnant. It's hard to keep up! Atleast he's been soo great about reading his books and he's honestly been the only person I can really stand right now. I thought it'd be opposite. haha.. but he's been amazing, and we're both ecstatic! The first month "Not trying, Not preventing." When I told him he said, "Well.. I'm excited, I just thought it would take longer." haha.. apparently not. I still haven't set up an appointment with an OB yet. Tricare Prime is pushing me around, but I hope to hear something back today. I won't go until Adam gets home from his 2 week field op anyway. :) But, I haven't had too many symptoms, just the usual. I'll keep it posted as I start to show and feel different symptoms!
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