*Our Story*

This is the ramblings of a Marine Wife, Mommy, and Gym rat. Home is where the Marine Corps sends us. NC -> TX -> CA. Welcome to my sometimes stressful, mostly crazy, but always beautiful life.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

12 Weeks

           I decided to go by baby's size as of last week for the week marker. It makes more sense to me, but the doctor said they are just keeping the same due date b/c i'll probably go over anyway! haha This picture was taken yesterday at 12 Weeks exactly. Still in my regular jeans, but a definite bump is forming. One more week in the first trimester, and then I'm on to the "best" trimester. My nausea is gone for the most part, and I'm starting to feel more lively and less like a zombie. haha. Don't get me wrong, the first trimester was exciting.. for the first week. Then it is just terrifying. I wasn't going to post about this, but this was part of my pregnancy, so here it goes.. Sunday night I went to the bathroom and had a tiny bit of pink spotting. I was terrified, worried, and couldn't stop crying. Adam hopped on google, like the amazing husband that he is, and looked up everything he could to try and reassure me. Well, I called the nurse help line at the Naval Hospital, and she said, "you need to go to the ER." Omg, can you imagine how frightening those words are. Well, I decided to go to sleep b/c I didn't see any more spotting that night. Well, I got up and rang the doc first thing Monday morning. The nurses told me I need to come in to get checked out and scheduled me for 10:40.. I got there at 10.. and at 11:15 they called me back. I sat in the doctors office and a Nurse Practitioner walks in and explains that the front desk scheduled me with the wrong person. Well, I started crying uncontrollably. I was all alone, and I didn't think anything was wrong but these doctors kept scaring the shit out of me. So, she said I am scheduled at 1 with an OB. So, I left and got lunch, and called Adam. Adam said he couldn't make it, and I called work and was told that I obviously didn't have to come in, but my manager was going to miss class and it's just us 2. Well, I did not care about ANYONE else at the time, and rightfully so. I went back to the doctor at 1, and she did an internal exam to find absolutely NO active bleeding, and the cervix closed and all well. So, then she hooked up the ultrasound and wahlah. There was my beautiful baby with a strong heartbeat. At first 139 then jumped up to 164, she caught him/her moving :) I was SO relieved. She said that the spotting is very common in first trimester and it was probably due to the placenta attaching to the uterine wall or because of the yeast infection that I had. I went home, drained yet relieved.. ready to prop my legs up and nap... but instead, I went to work. Surprise, I took other people into consideration on a day when I nearly lost it. But I'm just so happy that my baby is healthy, and the doctor said my chances of carrying full term are nearly 100%. Obviously they can't say 100%, but they are extremely high. :) Thank you God! So that is why first trimester is exhausting, terrifying, and too LONG! Good luck to all you new mommies getting through first trimester. It blows, but obviously worth it in the end!

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