*Our Story*

This is the ramblings of a Marine Wife, Mommy, and Gym rat. Home is where the Marine Corps sends us. NC -> TX -> CA. Welcome to my sometimes stressful, mostly crazy, but always beautiful life.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Out of touch!

   We finally got back into our routine after traveling, but I feel so out of touch.. with everyone and everything. I am still dragging, and I haven't talked to my bestfriends in what feels like forever. I'm hoping that cycle ends soon! Everyone is so busy, and I completely understand because I'm busy too. The wonderful thing about my friends is that no matter how long we may go without talking, we always pick back up right where we left off. Thank God for friends like mine! Kelly and Brady are coming to hang out tomorrow :) Yay!! I cannot wait to see them. I haven't seen them since August, and that is just not gonna work ;) Guess who got sick over vacation? Well, Connor and I were both feeling pretty crappy towards the end of last week and this weekend. Connor has a runny nose, a cough, and he is hoarse! Poor baby. Yesterday he had a low grade fever, but he is feeling much better today, and his temperature is back down. I had a sore throat the past couple of days but feeling better today too. I swear, traveling really took it out of us. It always takes me a few days to get back on my feet and feel "normal." This is the first time he has been sick, and I think I did really well with it! I could have freaked, but I know that there is nothing the doctor could do for a cold, and I've been checking his temp. and yesterday was the first day it was a little bit higher than average. Despite feeling so terribly sad for him, I handled myself well :) I cuddled him all weekend, which is just so hard to do ;) and he's doing much better. Thank goodness. Oh, Connor is starting to sit up on his own! Not for too long, but for about 30 seconds at a time, at least. I don't think it will be long at all until he is sitting up on his own for good, though. Last Tuesday I mentioned to Adam that we should talk about selling his truck. He drives his motorcycle in to work everyday, and his truck has been sitting in our driveway for 3 weeks. He has a Government vehicle he drives during the day, anyway, and I'm not working right  now, so if it rains he can take my vehicle or I can take him in the morning. Well, Adam thought it was a good idea, so we took it to Carmax on Saturday, they made a great offer, and we drove off with a nice check! It was easy and probably one of the best decisions we have made in a while. =) His bike is worth way more than his truck was, and in TX it just doesn't get THAT cold. And I didn't mention that his truck was completely impractical. Single cab doesn't work for a baby! Here's to saving MORE money :)... And on that note, I am considering purchasing the bumGenius specific laundry detergent. I'm bleaching my diapers right now to see if it helps with the "smell," because I haven't done it since I bought them. Don't get me wrong, they don't smell BAD, but they don't smell like the "nothing" they are supposed to smell like. Ever since Connor started on solids, I have noticed that since his poop smells SOO much worse, so do his diapers. Before he started solids I couldn't smell anything, and for a while when he was on solids I still couldn't. Well, I think it is just really starting to "sink in." Eh, that sounds appetizing, but I'm determined to figure this out. I know you are supposed to bleach the diapers once a month, and I've had them for over a month and haven't done it, so I'm working on it now, and then I will update. But, if it doesn't work, then I am going to buy the bumGenius detergent and strip the diapers because I know it will be from detergent. We shall see! 


  1. Hey Lauren! I found this post on a blog yesterday about cloth diapers... it might help you. Also, it mentions if you have hard or soft water... not sure how to test that but may be worth looking into :) Glad you are well and hope everyone feels better soon!

  2. Thanks girl! I did read that :) Bleaching the diapers helped a lot since I hadn't done that yet, but I am going to go ahead and order the detergent too. There is a website (I forgot which one) that will actually tell if you have hard water. We don't have hard water.. solids just really do make a difference in smell! :)
