*Our Story*

This is the ramblings of a Marine Wife, Mommy, and Gym rat. Home is where the Marine Corps sends us. NC -> TX -> CA. Welcome to my sometimes stressful, mostly crazy, but always beautiful life.

Monday, April 8, 2013

33 weeks!

   6 weeks from tomorrow is my C-section date! SIX weeks. That is crazy to me! 2 1/2 weeks from today is when I delivered Con. It scares me, and every time I get a headache (thanks allergies), feel light headed, or just feel off, I panic. It is hard because the signs of pre-eclampsia can mimic any "normal" symptoms of pregnancy, but I check my bp a couple of times a week at CVS. I know that the machines aren't always super accurate, but it has proven to be pretty accurate up to this point. I have also not been swelling at all. My wedding rings fit loosely and I can still see the bones in my feet/hands. My face looks more round, but that is probably partly attributed to the weight gain. Which is 31. Tragic, but less than I had gained with Connor at this point, and I've been really good with my nutrition. Last week was pretty uneventful. Adam worked late, and Connor and I had a lot of errands to run. Saturday, Adam had a CHL class all day, and Sunday he had to go in to work for a little while. He has to work again this Saturday too. Recruiting duty is such a drag. I'm fine with the uneventful-ness though b/c I needed a break. I ordered a pair of nursing pjs, a nursing gown, a robe from Gap for the hospital, and new parts to my breastpump last week too. Kinda splurged a little bit, but I mean, I think I deserve a couple pairs of nursing pjs. LoL. I also registered at the hospital & started to pack my and Austin's hospital bag! I am trying to be more prepared for the expected & unexpected. Last time I was not prepared at all with a hospital bag. Granted, I was admitted to the hospital unexpectedly, but I should have been more prepared. Anyway, nothing too exciting going on this week. Next week I have an appointment, so I might have more to write :) til' next time..

 How far along?: 33 weeks.
Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty well still. I have to pee a lot, but I drink a ton of water.
Best moment this week: just hanging with my Con. Soaking up these last few weeks of just us.
Movement: He rolls and gets those feet stuck. Hurts!
Symptoms: Heartburn, movement.
Food cravings:  Watermelon.
Food aversions: No real aversions, but I prefer fruits and veggies over junk.
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks are pretty rough this time around, but nothing serious.
Belly Button in or out?: flat. lol
What I miss: not having back pain!
What I am looking forward to: May 21st :)
Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy your pregnancy and try not to worry about the "what ifs."
Milestones: Austin is a little over 4 pounds and has passed the 17-inch mark. He's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and his skeleton is hardening.

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