*Our Story*

This is the ramblings of a Marine Wife, Mommy, and Gym rat. Home is where the Marine Corps sends us. NC -> TX -> CA. Welcome to my sometimes stressful, mostly crazy, but always beautiful life.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

28 weeks!

      Well, I'm 28 weeks!! These past few days have been insane.. Adam got home and we went full throttle. Mom is driving now and we are in New Orleans. Adam is at our house in Texas, he got there last night. He said it's nice and big.. but he can't stand the white walls. haha  We're gonna try and see if we can paint them & make it more home-y. :) I am SO ready to be there. Gus is driving me up a wall!! He is the most anxious and strange dog I've ever seen in my life. Good lord. lol. Oh well.. We're truckin' through. Last night mom and I were so tired we were laughing our butts off at him. That's all you can do. I almost peed myself. hahaha. But anyways, the pictures above are a few of my maternity pics taken by Bellavita Photography. I follow her blog too. She is SO good! She was so sweet and made it relaxing and fun. Adam didn't complain once :) I heard from the doctor, and I in fact, have gestational thrombocytopenia. I was really upset at first, but now I'm just kind of "whatever" about it. There's nothing I can do about it, and Connor isn't affected. So, I'll do what I have to do to ensure a healthy delivery of my sweet baby boy. No matter what! Au naturale or not :) Well, we're in the car and It's a bumpy ride. I'll update next week with more!

**How far along? 28 weeks! Feeling every bit of it..

**Total weight gain/loss: +23 whatever..

**How Big is Baby?: 2.5lbs and about 15 inches long

**Maternity clothes? yesss

**Stretch marks? Not yet...

**Sleep: I'm always tired.

**Best moment this week: Everything working out and spending 2 days with momma before she leaves me in TX.

**Movement: Rollin' and in my ribs.

**Food cravings: Slurpees :)

**Gender: sweet boy <3

**Labor Signs: Nope.

**Belly Button in or out? In still!

**What I am looking forward to: Finally being in Texas and settled in our new home!