*Our Story*

This is the ramblings of a Marine Wife, Mommy, and Gym rat. Home is where the Marine Corps sends us. NC -> TX -> CA. Welcome to my sometimes stressful, mostly crazy, but always beautiful life.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Family visits Texas & update on Connor!

   Connor will be 10 WEEKS Tuesday, and he has really started to show that he has quite the personality. Every morning he wakes up smiling and laughing. He loves mornings. It makes getting up really early MUCH easier for me. The Doctor FINALLY called me back Friday. I called them twice before she called me back, but she told me that the lump in Connor's belly is a fat deposit, and the one in his cheek is a lymph node, but NEITHER are anything to be worried about =) Phew! You can imagine the relief. I wasn't too worried, but it's scary when you have to have these things done to your child. I cried at the ultrasound (as did Connor), but all is well so that is a huge weight lifted off. Adam's parents and sister came to visit this past week. They will be here until tomorrow, and it has been so much fun. We went out to dinner on my birthday, and Saturday we went to Galveston Beach. My first trip to the Gulf Coast and Connor's first beach trip ever:) Connor enjoyed the water because it was warm, haha.. obviously we kept him under a huge umbrella b/c he's too young for sunscreen. I had a hat on him and basically a full body suit.. and let me just tell you that he got sunburn on ONE side of his face and nowhere else on his body. I have no idea how that happened and almost cried last night because of it. It really isn't that bad and doesn't seem to bother him at all. I just didn't want my baby to have sunburn. I mean... he did not leave the umbrella except for pictures and he stayed covered, but the sun here is just so hot. We all got some sun. Everyone else got more than me obviously b/c I was under the umbrella with Connor the majority of the time, which doesn't bother me :) I gave Connor tylenol last night just in case, but he is fine. I'm probably just an overbearing Mother! But, the trip was nice and I'm glad we were able to go. OH, and on my birthday, June 30, Kelly and Eric Weisinger welcomed their sweet, ADORABLE, baby boy Brady Dean Weisinger into the world. He was 8 lbs 5 oz and 21 in long. He looks like his mommy and is perfect! I am so so excited for them. Being a mommy is the best feeling in the entire world, and nothing tops those first few moments when you hear your baby cry and hold them for the first time. We can't wait to meet you Brady! Tomorrow is the 4th of July, so a HUGE Thank You to our troops, and especially my husband Sgt. Adam Hill of the United States Marine Corps. I'm so proud of you. You are our Hero!! I feel like I have more to post, so I will post more later :) Happy and Safe 4th!


  1. Great news about Connor!! You guys must be so relived :) I love the pictures too...he looks so cute in his little swim suit! :)

  2. Thanks girl!! It is such a relief to know that all is okay with him. I didn't think it was anything to really be worried about, but I still wanted to hear it from the doctor. Hope you are feeling well. Not long now! =)
