*Our Story*

This is the ramblings of a Marine Wife, Mommy, and Gym rat. Home is where the Marine Corps sends us. NC -> TX -> CA. Welcome to my sometimes stressful, mostly crazy, but always beautiful life.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

3 months :

   Connor is 3 months old! And he LOVES wearing no clothes(hence the picture above), and Yes, he is STANDING in the 2nd picture. He's leaning against the chair cushion, but he was standing up and not falling over or unstable. He is so strong but since he hates tummy time, I try to do other things so he can build more strength. He pretty much holds up his head now, and he doesn't move around as much anymore. He still kicks around, but not as much as before. I miss his newborn phase, but I'm loving this new exciting phase. I know each milestone is going to be bittersweet, but I'm looking forward to it. I visited our friends Kelly and Eric and their newborn, (3 week old), Brady, and it is so crazy to see how much Connor has grown and changed in just 2 months. I miss the little noises and the constant sleeping haha, but I love the cooing, giggles, and new development. Sunday, I just sat and stared at Connor pretty much all day. He is my heart and soul, and I never knew that I could love anyone SO much. Over the past week-ish, Connor has sat up a few times on his own. He falls over, but he keeps sitting up. It's crazy. He flips over from his back to his tummy a lot, and I'm pretty positive he would roll over from his tummy to his back IF he liked tummy time. haha. It is too funny. As far as sleep goes, we are getting pretty good at this. He falls asleep around 9 or 10, and he usually only gets up once during the night. Usually around 2 or 3 and then sleeps until we get up around 6:30/7:30. Sometimes he gets up around 1:30 and again around 5:30, but that's if he doesn't eat much before we put him down for the night, but he definately knows that it is nighttime. He wakes up to eat and goes right back to sleep. We try to cluster feed him sometimes before bed, but he only eats when he's really hungry. He's eating between 4 oz and 6 oz every 2 1/2 hours - 3 hours. When he wakes up in the mornings, he will only eat about 3 oz or 4 oz, stay up for a couple of hours, and then fall back asleep. He usually takes one 2-3 hour nap/day, and I prefer that over catnaps so I can get things done. He's doing so good, and he has completely transformed into this adorable, happy baby boy. Well, he's always been adorable :) As for me, I'm doing great! I have lost a little more weight, and still LOVING mommy hood. SO many people are pregnant. I think more people are pregnant than not pregnant, and I am so excited for everyone. It's the best feeling! Until next time.. 

Mommy advice: Do what you feel is right for you and your baby, and don't compare your Mommy skills with another Mom. YOU know what is best for you and your little one. What is right for you may not be "right" for another Mom, and vice versa. A happy mommy makes a happy baby!

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