*Our Story*

This is the ramblings of a Marine Wife, Mommy, and Gym rat. Home is where the Marine Corps sends us. NC -> TX -> CA. Welcome to my sometimes stressful, mostly crazy, but always beautiful life.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

20 Weeks

   There's baby Connor! My sweet handsome little man! I had my 20 week scan yesterday, and everything looks perfect :) Words from the ultrasound tech AND my doctor today. I had another appointment today. Heard the heartbeat and she measured my uterus. 20 inches. Yesterday, my anatomy scan was at 9:30 a.m., and Melissa came with me! She got to be in there the whole time and see him. It was amazing. He wasn't being very cooperative at first. haha. He kept kicking his little legs and sitting straight up! I love him so much already! When I got home around 11, I started feeling really sick. Melissa left, and then I got the horrid stomach bug. I couldn't keep ANYTHING down yesterday. It was so miserable. I feel much better today, just achy. My back hurts and my whole body aches. I lost 4 lbs yesterday.. I gained some back by drinking fluids today, but that was scary. But, when I went in today to the DR, we heard Connor's heartbeat, and I've felt him kick today. I'm sure I suffered way worse than him, and I'm thankful for that. Adam had it 2 days ago, and then he left for San Diego Monday afternoon. Well, he left me a present, and it sucked. haha. He will be gone for 2 months. :( Booo... Well anyway, I need to lay down and rest.

**How far along? 20 weeks ... halfway!

**Total weight gain/loss: +10 lbs. The stomach bug kept me from gaining.

**How Big is Baby?: He's 12 oz. and about 10.5 inches!

**Maternity clothes? Yup

**Stretch marks? not yet..

**Sleep: love it.

**Best moment this week: Seeing him at the anatomy scan and knowing that he's perfect :)

**Movement: Flips, kicks, jabs... oh yes.

**Food cravings: Nothing sounds great to me right now... maybe b/c I just got over the stomach bug.

**Gender: Sweet baby boy :)

**Labor Signs: No sir!

**Belly Button in or out? In :)