*Our Story*

This is the ramblings of a Marine Wife, Mommy, and Gym rat. Home is where the Marine Corps sends us. NC -> TX -> CA. Welcome to my sometimes stressful, mostly crazy, but always beautiful life.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Pain Relief and Plain Relief

       I've been really terrible about blogging. I constantly think about things I "need" to blog about, and then I just forget. Connor keeps me so busy. He's in to everything, and if I try to get on the computer while he is awake, he walks over to me and shuts the laptop.

Pain Relief
      Anyway... a couple of weeks ago Connor started to get really fussy. He still only has the 6 teeth that he has had since 10 months, so I assumed he was teething. I mean, when I say really fussy, we're talking crying all day long. When Connor first started teething, a friend of mine suggested I get him an Amber teething necklace. I forgot about it, and then a couple of weeks ago, I decided to research the Amber teething necklace. When a friend of mine recommended I get one for Connor, I thought it was like a "crystal" type thing. You know, that "promotes relief" or something. I had no idea that it actually contains succinic acid. The amber rubs against the childs skin (the necklace is short enough so Connor doesn't even notice it), and it releases a natural oil into their skin that enters their blood stream, and it relieves pain. I read reviews that raved about these necklaces, so I thought, "what the hell?! It can't hurt..." So, I ordered it for Connor, I got it in the mail in 2 days, and automatically put it on him. It's a miracle.. He is so happy and hardly whines at all. I highly recommend any mom who is pulling her hair out because of teething to look into it. It worked for us, and nothing was working for us! I tried ibuprofen, teething tablets, orajel, teethers, popsicles, etc. Look into it! Knowledge is power people!

Plain Relief
     Also, Adam and I have been discussing the future. We know we want more children but have avoided the topic since we had Connor because, obviously, he is still really little, and having Connor wasn't exactly easy on us. I decided to go ahead and research new OBs, and a friend recommended an OB to me. I went last Friday to have a consultation and talk to him about everything. I told him what happened with Connor, and he was not impressed with the hospital's/doctor's decisions. He told me that I am healthy, and there is no greater chance of me getting pre-eclampsia and developing the same problems. He checked my blood work, and everything came back completely normal. So, that is a HUGE relief. He is very confident that I won't have the same problems, but assured me he would take care of me. We are so relieved!! Don't expect any sort of announcement anytime soon. We were just seeing if the possibility is there.. and it is! =)

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