*Our Story*

This is the ramblings of a Marine Wife, Mommy, and Gym rat. Home is where the Marine Corps sends us. NC -> TX -> CA. Welcome to my sometimes stressful, mostly crazy, but always beautiful life.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

33 Weeks!

   So, 33 weeks & holy back pain! My back has been killing me (probably because I rode the Harley with Adam). Also, you can call me Rollie Pollie Ollie. I roll around instead of sitting up like normal people, and I can't eat too much at once. Made that mistake tonight... we went to our favorite little restaurant we found. It's right on Lake Conroe and it has one bangin' pulled pork sandwich! YUM! I ate my sandwich, some fries, and cheesecake! Now, I feel like I'm going to barf.. and it doesn't help when Connor pokes me. He has dropped in the past couple of weeks. I posted a pic from when I noticed it, but this picture doesn't really make him look low since I have a shirt on. I don't mind the way I look in clothing, but I try not to look at myself in a mirror at other times.. yowza! Adam goes back to work Friday, and we are both ready to get back in that routine. I think it will help us feel more home. I can get on my cleanin' schedule and lay out in my pool! Yes, we got a pool today. It's not huge, but it's big enough for me and a couple others (length wise). I'm so happy. Now, I just gotta figure out how to keep it clean. I laid in it this afternoon and was in Hillbilly Heaven! I mean, it's a little whiskey tango, if you know what I mean, but it's gonna keep me happy. :) Anyway, I'm just so ready for Connor to be here. I'm miserable and so grumpy these days... poor Adam. I go Monday for my next appointment! Every 2 weeks now until 36 weeks, and then it's every week. Yay!

**How far along? 33 weeks! Hopefully 7 or less to go!

**Total weight gain/loss: +32 yayy :(

**How Big is Baby?: Connor is probably 4 lb 15 oz or so. And about 17 inches long. I'm expecting a short, chubby baby! :)

**Maternity clothes? Sure.. lol

**Stretch marks? No.. but i'm waiting for the sprouts!

**Sleep: Omg.. I am up every hour to pee.. and I literally have to roll my fat ass out of bed. Oh, and I'm snoring like an old man apparently. How embarrassing... I didn't believe Adam until I woke myself up last night!

**Best moment this week: We got me a pool!!

**Movement: He loves to jab me & stays on my right side. It's funny.

**Food cravings: Pulled pork!

**Gender: sweet boy <3

**Labor Signs: My back has been KILLING me, but I don't think it's early signs.. just extra weight.

**Belly Button in or out? It's still in!

**What I am looking forward to: Finishing Connor's nursery and preparing for the little guy to get here!

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