*Our Story*

This is the ramblings of a Marine Wife, Mommy, and Gym rat. Home is where the Marine Corps sends us. NC -> TX -> CA. Welcome to my sometimes stressful, mostly crazy, but always beautiful life.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Austin is 2 weeks!

   Austin is 2 weeks old today, and he is still such a good baby. (Knocking on wood right now). He is much more alert these days, eating every 2-3 hours, and pooping every 5 minutes. He was sleeping 6 + hour stretches until his doctor appointment last week. I had to take him in to the doctor on Thursday to have them check out his umbilical cord, which they had to cauterize 3 times.. When they weighed him, he had lost an ounce from what he weighed when he left the hospital. The next day he lost half an ounce more. I knew it was because he was sleeping through nighttime feedings, but I had always heard that you never wake a sleeping baby. He would miss nighttime feedings, and he also fell asleep at the boob almost every time he ate. I was in tears, and the Nurse Practitioner told me I should supplement with formula. She went and got Enfamil, handed it to me, and told me to feed him 2 oz breast milk and 1 oz formula every 2 hours. I was shocked, upset, and disappointed. Needless to say, I trusted my body & my mommy instincts to NOT supplement. Instead, I power pumped, nursed, and gave him expressed Breast milk at night and during the day. When we went back to the DR for a weight check on Monday, he gained 7 ounces, and by Thursday he was up another 3 ounces and back to his birth weight. :) Let me just say though, I am not on my soap box. Breastfeeding is something that I really want to do. I understand some mom's can't or don't want to and that is okay. I believe breast is best, and so I am going to do all that I can to breastfeed Austin. I nursed Connor as well, but stopped at 2 months for several different reasons. Anyway, we are in love with this little perfect addition to our family. He is so sweet and squeezable. Con loves him, and I know they are going to be best friends.

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