*Our Story*
This is the ramblings of a Marine Wife, Mommy, and Gym rat. Home is where the Marine Corps sends us. NC -> TX -> CA. Welcome to my sometimes stressful, mostly crazy, but always beautiful life.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Just when you think you're safe..
Adam came home yesterday!! I picked him up from the airport at 8:30 a.m., and it is SO SO nice to have him home to help with everything! We had a TON of errands to run yesterday including my doctors appointment at 1:45. We got the results back from the GTT, and everything looks normal. So, yay! I don't have Gestational Diabetes. Just when I let out a huge sigh, I heard "BUT" and the happiness was drained from my face. Apparently, I have low platelets, in medical terms that is Gestational Thrombocytopenia. Platelets do drop in pregnancy, but the doctors like the count to stay above 150,000. The Naval Hospital prefers 179,000. My count was 138,000, and at my first appointment in October, my count was 233,000. So, the count did drop significantly. My doctor didn't seem too concerned. She just had the Corpsman draw more blood and said she would call me Sunday with the results. She said that they only really start to worry if the platelet count drops to 10,000 or below because it could cause me to bleed out or hemorrhage, if you will. I've never had any trouble with my platelet count, that's why it's gestational. Also, if my platelet count gets below 100,000 I will not be able to have an epidural, so I would be going au naturale. Heaven help me! Looks like Me and Adam will be signing up for some lamaze classes after all. And if something happens and I need a c-section, they will give me a general anesthetic, so I won't be able to be awake for it. Which I would HATE. So, I'd rather be in horrible, agonizing pain than to not be awake when my precious baby makes his first cry. It's scary.. and I'm petrified. But, for now, I'm trying to just think positive and hope my platelets stay around the same number. I haven't had any bleeding or bruising of any sort that is out of the ordinary, so I'm hoping it isn't a big deal. I'm so glad Adam was there with me though It helped to have his support. He's such a pessimist until it comes to me, and he always tells me everything will be fine and I believe him. He got to hear Connor's heartbeat, and he keeps looking at my tummy and smiling. It's SO good to have the other half of my heart home! He hired a cleaning lady to come tomorrow after our Maternity pictures (yaya, I found someone!) so I won't have to do a whole lot :) .... And now to Texas we go... ! See ya where it's warm ;)
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
27 weeks!
... Well, hello 3rd trimester!! =) =) I can't believe it! We are in the home stretch now. Little Connor has been hanging out in my rib cage these past few days, and he's been kicking me a lot more! The movements are very regular now, and I feel him everyday. I love it!! Saturday I had my baby shower in VA, and it was amazing! I have the best family and friends, and Connor is so loved. I couldn't have asked for a better shower. Looking back at pictures though, I wanted to cry. I don't think the car ride helped because I was pretty swollen, but everything about me is swollen now.. lol. Every time I get upset about about how big I am, I feel him kick and it's all worth it. After the shower, I drove to see Lauren and Delaney. It was so sad leaving them Sunday =( I won't see them again until Connor is here, but the time is going to fly by! Lauren is such a good mommy. I love watching her with Delaney! I can't wait for that.. Adam comes home Friday!!! I have a lot to do, but I have gotten most everything done that I want to before he gets home. Today I sent out the money orders and lease agreement, so the house in Conroe is ours! As long as Adam's orders don't change... but it will all work out. Fingers crossed! I'm just ready to be settled. It's frustrating living off of 2 bowls, 1 spoon, 1 fork, and 1 knife... and spaghettios haha.. and we don't have much food! I don't want to buy stuff knowing that we're moving in a week! I just can't wait to see Adam and lay one on him! 2 months is nothing for us, but it sucked.. especially with everything we had to get done! Oh well, it's almost over with :)
**How far along? 27 weeks! Hello 3rd tri!
**Total weight gain/loss: +20.. blahhhh
**How Big is Baby?: a little over 2 lbs. and about 14.5 inches!
**Maternity clothes? yesss
**Stretch marks? Not yet...
**Sleep: I'm always tired.. probably b/c I toss and turn all night long.
**Best moment this week: Seeing family and friends for my baby shower!
**Movement: He's beginning to roll around and it's cool to watch. :)
**Food cravings: Still cherry... anything! & I loveee slurpees!
**Gender: sweet boy <3
**Labor Signs: Nope.
**Belly Button in or out? In still!
**What I am looking forward to: Adam coming home Friday =) bow chicka bow wow.
Monday, February 14, 2011
26 Weeks
Well tomorrow I will be in my LAST week in the second trimester! WOW! I can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone by. People are most definately noticing my bump. How can you NOT notice that massive thing? haha I posted the picture, and it was technically taken at 25 weeks 5 days, but who really cares... Oh, and we are officially in double digits, 99 days to go! I told Adam and he said, "that's great.. but to be honest, I thought we had less than that." Anxious much? Andddd, He will be home in 10 days!!! He left when I was barely 20 weeks, and he'll be coming back when I'm almost 28 weeks! Quite the difference 2 months makes! A lot has happened since last week. We DID get approved for the house we wanted in Conroe, Texas with the dogs! Hallelujah! I'll post a pic of that too :) The landlord called and had 21 questions about our "pits," but I felt confident afterward because I know that my dogs are sweet babies, and she was really nice about it. I've accomplished a lot, and we have had people looking at our house to rent it! My prayers are being answered. I've been packing up the house little by little, and it sucks, but honestly, there isn't that much left to do. All the rooms are pretty much packed except for a few things. I try not to overdo it, so I only pack for about 5 hrs. out of everyday. This Saturday is my baby shower in VA, and I am SO excited! I can't wait to see everyone, but it'll be bittersweet since I'm moving 20 hours away in 2 weeks :( I can't believe I'm moving in 2 weeks!!!! to TEXAS. After the baby shower I'm gonna stay with Lauren and Delaney! I can't wait to see them both! Lauren looks amazing already! And Delaney is growin' like a weed. I can't wait to squeeze that sweet baby girl! Anyways... see ya in 3rd trimester!
**How far along? 26 weeks!
**Total weight gain/loss: +18.. I don't like this question.
**How Big is Baby?: about 2 lbs!! 13-14 inches long :)
**Maternity clothes? yesss
**Stretch marks? Not yet...
**Sleep: I can't sleep well at night.. so I sleep til' like noon.. it's sad.
**Best moment this week: Knowing we have a place to live in Texas! Thank God!!
**Movement: He's moving, but he's had a lot of quiet days this past week. I'm scared to see how strong he is after all that growin!
**Food cravings: Okay, weird, but ANYTHING Cherry... cherry coke, cherry limeade, cherry dr. pepper, cherry popsicles... I'm so weird.
**Gender: little boy <3
**Labor Signs: Nope.
**Belly Button in or out? In still!
**What I am looking forward to: My baby shower this weekend and just moving and getting settled so we can set up Connor's nursery!
**How far along? 26 weeks!
**Total weight gain/loss: +18.. I don't like this question.
**How Big is Baby?: about 2 lbs!! 13-14 inches long :)
**Maternity clothes? yesss
**Stretch marks? Not yet...
**Sleep: I can't sleep well at night.. so I sleep til' like noon.. it's sad.
**Best moment this week: Knowing we have a place to live in Texas! Thank God!!
**Movement: He's moving, but he's had a lot of quiet days this past week. I'm scared to see how strong he is after all that growin!
**Food cravings: Okay, weird, but ANYTHING Cherry... cherry coke, cherry limeade, cherry dr. pepper, cherry popsicles... I'm so weird.
**Gender: little boy <3
**Labor Signs: Nope.
**Belly Button in or out? In still!
**What I am looking forward to: My baby shower this weekend and just moving and getting settled so we can set up Connor's nursery!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Pitbulls.. are you scared yet?
Today, I filled out applications for a home that Adam and I would really like to rent in Conroe, Texas. I had to get 2 $50 money orders for the applications, and it cost $20 to overnight the applications. I know we will be approved for the house based on our credit history, and Adam's income. However, the one thing that our realtor and I am worried about is whether the landlord for the house will accept us because of our pitbulls. It infuriates me that people can turn someone away from a home because of the breed of dog they have. In my opinion, it is like someone turning us away because of race, religion, or sexuality. They don't know my dogs. The only information that is on the pet agreement and applications is that they are pitbulls, the color of them, their weight, and whether they are neutered and up to date on shots. Oh, and it did ask if my dogs have every bitten anyone. Of course not!! I have had Gus since he 4 weeks old, and Lilly since she was 13 weeks old. Gus is the bigger baby out of the 2 of them, and he's the male. They are both just big babies! I get in their faces and kiss all over them all the time. You only ever hear the horror stories of Pitbulls that aren't loved and taken care of. Yeah, they are aggressive, but if you were to meet a child who wasn't loved or taken care of, you can bet they'd be aggressive to. ANY breed of dog can be aggressive if you allow them to be, or don't give them the attention they need. I have met some pretty scary chihuahuas... just sayin. Did you know that Helen Keller had a pitbull named Sir Thomas? Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson also had pitbulls. For a long time, pitbulls were considered family dogs, and now they are banned in many cities around the U.S. Would the government ban a race of people because of a few bad seeds? NO. Yeah right.. that would stir up some things. Nowhere in the pet agreement did it say "breed restriction," so if they don't approve of us because we have 2 pitbulls, they will surely hear from me. Here are some pictures of my scary, mean, pitbulls. Are you scared yet? Oh yeah.. I'm pregnant.. hope they don't ban baby boys. I heard they can be pretty destructive.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
25 Weeks!
Well... 15 weeks to go! I had a doctors appointment yesterday, and everything is perfect! Connor was kicking all morning, and so when she checked his heartbeat it was 150 (which is the highest it has been) :) She told me it's good, and that my uterus is measuring at 25 weeks, which is also right on target. I have gained 17 lbs so far. Didn't gain last week, so that's good! haha But, these are the weeks that bring the pounds. His kicks are getting so strong too. I love feeling him bounce around in there, and actually this week he begins to turn from breech to head-down position for the big debut. WHAT?! That's insane. I know that the next few months are going to fly! With moving and everything.. my goodness.. I can't wait! Today, Kelly and I went to Wilmington to shop around and have a girls day. It was SO nice to get out of the house. We found a "Once Upon a Child." It's a confinement shop that sells baby clothes that have hardly been used, and it is so cheap. I got Connor 3 pair of shoes! 2 flip flops and 1 pair of sneakers :) It was only $13! Some of the stuff had never been used either! Kelly got Brady some adorable things too. Then we had Mexican. uhm, yumm! We ate like 2 basket of chips (don't judge the preggos!). haha I got Connor the whale hat that matches his bathing suit from gymboree. lol it's adorable. Now tomorrow it's back to the packing .. boooo. I'm sick of packing already lol... oh well, gotta get it done!
**How far along? 25 weeks! 15 to go!
**Total weight gain/loss: +17 lbs.. yuck.
**How Big is Baby?: He's the size of an eggplant! 13.6 inches long and 1.5 ish lbs!
**Maternity clothes? Yup
**Stretch marks? not yet..
**Sleep: Still tired. all the time.
**Best moment this week: Going to the Drs office yesterday and knowing Connor is perfect!
**Movement: more like BANG now :)
**Food cravings: POPSICLES!
**Gender: sweet boy!
**Labor Signs: No sir!
**Belly Button in or out? In.
This week they SHOULD (if they're good) start scootching out of breech and rotating into a head-down position for their grand entrance into the world!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
5 times in 5 years!
So, I vaguely mentioned that we are moving to Conroe, Texas on March 1st... which is 3 weeks away or 23 days. WHAT?! Adam called me and we decided to do a DITY (do it yourself) move. We can make a lot of money this way, and with a baby on the way and hardly anything back from taxes (welcome to the married life), we need it! Anyway, Conroe, ah yes... Conroe is about an hour north of Houston, and I've heard marvelous things about the town. The town loves the Marine Corps recruiters, so that is positive thing for Adam, and I've had a really great experience with the realtor so far. In 3 weeks, I will move again.. for the fifth time in 5 years. I repeat, I have moved 5 times in 5 years. God was preparing me to be a Marine Wife before I even met my husband. I've never moved 6/7 months pregnant though, so this should be interesting. AND, Texas will be the LONGEST drive I've ever made.. and did I mention I'll be 7 months pregnant? lol We are getting so paranoid about the house renting too. We have 3 weeks to find someone to rent it!! It's been up for rent for a little while now, but I'm hoping someone will just sweep in last minute and rent it! PLEASE GOD! This is so stressful!!!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
24 Weeks.. Happy V Day!
Well, I'm a couple days late posting, but A LOT has happened this week :) Connor is now "viable," so if he were to be born he would have a good chance of surviving now! That is a relief! I go to the doctor Monday.. not looking forward to the scale.. I mean, holy pounds last week. He must have hit a major growth spurt.., yeah we'll blame it on that. I was in VA last week, and I welcomed my God daughter in to the world Tuesday Feb. 2nd at 8:32 a.m.! She is BEAUTIFUL! 7 lbs. 12 oz. and 20.5 inches long. Delaney Faith Comtois. Lauren did SUCH a good job. I'm so proud of her!! She pushed Delaney out in 30 minutes. I mean, she was a trooper! She was in labor for 15 hrs, and everything went great. Oh, and we are moving to Conroe, TX on March 1st! It's about an hour outside of Houston. Tomorrow I need to get on a role with everything that needs to be done, AND I'm sick.. AGAIN. Surprise, Surprise. I'm gonna try to get loads of rest tonight. It's so frustrating.. But, anyway, I am definately feeling the effects of 24 weeks.. I have been sleeping okay. Come to think of it, I have been SUPER tired lately.. Connor really must have been growing. ;) But, my back hurts, my boobs hurt, I feel like a cow.. yep, I'm 6 months pregnant. haha. Anywayy... here are some pics of my gorgeous god baby!
**How far along? 24 weeks!
**Total weight gain/loss: +17 lbs..told you. Last week was a huge weight gain, and a huge bruise on my ego. lol
**How Big is Baby?: About 12 inches and 1.5 lbs.
**Maternity clothes? Yup
**Stretch marks? not yet..
**Sleep: I slept a lot last week. Connor MUST have been growing!!
**Best moment this week: Watching my beautiful god daughter be born and her mommy and daddy with her :)
**Movement: thump.. thump thump.
**Food cravings: everything.
**Gender: baby boy <3
**Labor Signs: No sir!
**Belly Button in or out? In.
**Milestone: Connor is VIABLE! If he were to be born, he has a good chance of surviving with the right care :)
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