*Our Story*

This is the ramblings of a Marine Wife, Mommy, and Gym rat. Home is where the Marine Corps sends us. NC -> TX -> CA. Welcome to my sometimes stressful, mostly crazy, but always beautiful life.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

34 weeks!!!!

    Well.. 34 weeks.. and getting bigger and bigger and bigger. I had a doctor's appointment yesterday, and the doctor told me "you have a big baby." No shite.. I'm also 5'2". The good news is that my platelet count is considered "normal" to the hospital here. The are 130,000 right now, but she said that my blood does take longer to clot, so they are going to keep an eye on me. BUT, I shouldn't have any trouble getting an epidural :) Even better news is that if Connor doesn't come on his own before, my doctor is inducing me at 39 weeks!! So, we have 5 or LESS weeks until Connor makes his big debut. I am so excited, but so nervous. I still feel like we have a lot to do before he comes, but in all honesty, we have all the necessary things we need for him. I put his swing together on Sunday, and it's so cute! So, yay for Connor almost being here! I am so achey and uncomfortable. My feet get swollen, heck, all of me gets swollen if I'm doing too much. If I lay flat on my back, I can't breathe. I huff and puff all night to get comfortable. I snore. I'm super huge. I have arthritis fingers.. and the list goes on! haha Adam and I are supposed to go to a wedding this weekend. It all kinda depends on him having to work a carwash this weekend. My doctor told me I could go as long as I'm not having contractions, to stop often and walk around, and to drink lots of water. I hope we can go.. I really would love to travel to Dallas. I'm not doing much these days.. I sit around and watch Netflix or lay out in my pool. Oh, today I took Adam's uniforms to the cleaners and picked up dog poop. Wow, exciting life. I can't wait to have a sweet baby to tend to :)

**How far along? 34 weeks! 5 or less to go!

**Total weight gain/loss: I don't even know or care anymore.

**How Big is Baby?: Connor is a little over 5 lbs. and about 18 inches long. According to my doctor, I have a big baby.

**Maternity clothes? Ugh.

**Stretch marks? No. I'm waiting.

**Sleep: huh??

**Best moment this week: Getting the news that if he's not here by 39 weeks, I'll be induced!

**Movement: He is like a shark in there.

**Food cravings: watermelon.

**Gender: sweet boy <3

**Labor Signs: I think I've had a few BH contractions.

**Belly Button in or out? In!

**What I am looking forward to: The month of May :)

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