*Our Story*

This is the ramblings of a Marine Wife, Mommy, and Gym rat. Home is where the Marine Corps sends us. NC -> TX -> CA. Welcome to my sometimes stressful, mostly crazy, but always beautiful life.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

31 Weeks...

excuse my outfit.. LOL and my face.. and my hair. But, can you believe there's almost 4 lbs of baby in there? :)

      Well 31 weeks.. feeling gigantic, uncomfortable, constantly having to pee, swollen, and tired. And I know it's only gonna get worse. I went to the doctors yesterday and they are referring me to an OB out in town that I will hopefully get to see within the next 2 weeks. It is super frustrating not having an OB yet, but I had my PCM check for a UTI just in case b/c I've been having immense pressure. But, apparently that's normal and I don't have a UTI. So, that is really comforting. Everything seems good. Connor is moving around a lot. He's not extremely active, but he is definately letting me know hes' in there. I count wayyy more than 10 kicks or movements a day which is the number you need to count per day. I think he's running out of room, but people keep telling me that I'm "tiny." Which I do not understand. There is nothing tiny about my big butt.. atleast that's how I feel haha. I've gained a good 28 lbs already. Hoping for 35-40 lbs total. That's still more than I wanted, but I'll tell you what.. it's really hard to not gain in pregnancy, especially when you are starving! But I haven't been too bad on the cravings. I don't really go overboard b/c I fill up fast and feel like I'm choking on baby feet! Well this week... Adam is in NY for sweet Molly's funeral. I really wish I could be there today for that, but my doctor said we made the right decision for me not to fly. :( Our AC broke yesterday... and they are replacing the whole damn AC unit right now. Holy hell it is hotttt in here! Adam just sent me a picture of snow, and I'm sitting here in TX sweating like a hoe in church! Today I had lunch with 2 of the Marine wives in Conroe. It was really nice to get out and meet some ladies, and they are so sweet. I know that I'm gonna really like it here. One of the wives mentioned that she joined a mommy and baby group, but said how the women just live completely different lives than us. She's right. It's really hard to make friends with some women who don't understand the military life. It really makes me thankful for the USMC family that I have. :) Well here is the weekly stats..

**How far along? 31 weeks & feeling every single bit of it.

**Total weight gain/loss: +28.. yahoo :(

**How Big is Baby?: almost 4 lbs. about 17 inches!

**Maternity clothes? Yep.. but it's hot, so I'm wearing dresses in public and next to nothin at home!

**Stretch marks? No. I'm sure they're about to make their big debut tho.

**Sleep: UGH.

**Best moment this week: Going to the doctor and getting it all set up!

**Movement: He's a mover.

**Food cravings: Twizzlers... weird.

**Gender: sweet boy <3

**Labor Signs: Nope.

**Belly Button in or out? Barely in!

**What I am looking forward to: May 27th!

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